Sunday, March 16.

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    Removal Of Director - BR

    Resolution For Removal Of Director

    “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to notice received from Mr. _______, member of the company in accordance with Section 169 of the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. _______ be and is hereby removed from the office of director of the company.

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT an extraordinary general meeting of the company be held on ___ at ____ (time) at _____ (venue) to secure the consent of members in this regard.

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the notice of the General Meeting, as per the draft submitted to this meeting, be approved and that the same to issued to all eligible members of the company.

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Secretary of the company be authorised to take all further steps as required under Section 169 of the Companies Act, 2013, in respect of this resolution.”

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