Monday, March 17.

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    Appointing Managing Director - BR

    Board Resolution Appointing Managing Director

    (i) in accordance with Sections 164, 196, 197, 203 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and Schedule V to the Act and subject to the approval by a resolution of the shareholders in general meeting, Shri __________ be and is hereby appointed as Managing Director of the company for a period of five years commencing from ____________ and ending on ____________, on the terms and conditions contained in the agreement, draft whereof was laid on the table of the meeting and initialled by the chairman of the meeting as a mark of identification, and the same agreement be executed by the and between the company and Shri ___________ on the day the managing director assumes charge of the office;

    (ii) Shri _____________ Director of the company, be and is hereby authorised to sign and execute, on behalf of the company, the agreement with Shri ____________ which shall be executed under the common seal of the company to be affixed in the presence of, Shri ____________ Director and Shri ____________, Secretary of the company, who shall sign the same, and

    (iii) Shri ____________, Company Secretary, be and is hereby authorised to prepare, sign and file with the concerned Registrar of Companies with the prescribed filing fee, the following documents:

    (a) return is Form MR-1 for the appointment of the Managing Director as per requirement of Sub-section (2) of Section 170 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Part III of Schedule V to the Companies Act, 2013, duly certified by the auditor or the company secretary or secretary in whole time practice to the effect that the requirements of Schedule V have been complied with and such certificate shall be incorporated in the return, to be filed within ninety days of the passing of this resolution;

    (b) along with a certified copy of the foregoing resolution for registration of the resolution as required under Section 117 of the Companies Act, 2013, within thirty days of the passing of the resolution.

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