Board Resolution Approving Registration Of Transmission Of Shares
“RESOLVED THAT Transmission of ___________ no.s of fully paid equity shares of the company bearing distinctive numbers ____ to______ (both numbers inclusive) presently registered in the name of Shri ____________ who has been reported as deceased on __________ in the district of ______ which is situated in the state of____, in the name of Shri ________ son of Shri _________ resident of _________________________ be and is hereby approved.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT since the company has received a letter from the said Shri_____________, intimating to the company that he has decided to have the said shares registered in his name, the said shares be registered in his name; and
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Shri _______________, Company Secretary, be and is hereby authorized to enter the name of the said Shri _________________, in the register of members of the company and send the relevant share certificates to him after appropriately endorsing them in his name.”
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