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    Form size is increasing significantly after attaching DSC? Find Solution here

    Solution to limit the size of the eForm while attaching Digital Signature to eForm

    Many a times, it happens with the users that when they attach Digital Signature to eForm, the size of the eForm significantly gets increased because of which user is not able to upload the eForm on MCA website as the limit is 6 MB on the website.

    The solution to limit the size of the eForm is to make certain changes in settings of your Adobe PDF software.

    You can find below step by step process to do this settings.

    1. First open any PDF file in Adobe Reader

    2. Go to Edit in Menu bar, and then click on Preferences in it.

    3. The "Preferences" window will be opened.

    4. In list of Categories (left side of window), select "Signatures".

    5. Click on More in "Creation and Appearance" sub-category.

    6. A new window named "Creation and Appearance Preferences" will be opened.

    7. Uncheck "Include signature's revocation status"in that and click on OK

    Once above steps are completed, close the adobe, open the form and try attaching Digital Signature in eForm and check the size of the eForm. Let us know your feedback in comment section below.

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