Sunday, March 16.

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    Appointing Company Secretary - BR

    Board Resolution Appointing Company Secretary

    RESOLVED THAT Shri ____________, who is an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and has had four years’ experience in a listed company, be and is hereby appointed as Company Secretary on the terms and conditions contained in the letter of appointment, draft whereof was laid on the table of the meeting, approved by the meeting and initialled by the chairman of the meeting as a mark of identification; and

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the chairman and managing director of the company, Shri____________________, be and is hereby authorised to sign the letter of appointment of the Company Secretary, on behalf of the Board of directors of the company.

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Shri ____________________, be and is hereby appointed Company Secretary on the terms and conditions contained in the agreement, draft whereof was laid on the table of the meeting, approved by the meeting and initialled by the chairman of the meeting as a mark of identification; and

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Chairman and Managing Director of the company, Shri________________, be and is hereby authorised to sign, on behalf of the Board, the agreement with the Company Secretary.

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Shri________, be and is hereby appointed Company Secretary on the following terms and conditions:

    (a) Salary________` ________ per month in the pay scale of ` ________
    (b) Other allowances ________ ` ________ per month.
    (c) Company’s leased accommodation for residential purpose.
    (d) Company’s car with driver for company’s work.
    (e) One Mobile and one telephone line at his residence at company’s cost for company’s work. Long distance personal calls will be payable by him.
    (f) Leave as per company’s leave rules.
    (g) Provident Fund Contribution as per company’s rules.
    (h) Superannuation Fund Contribution as per company’s rules.
    (i) Gratuity as per rules of the Company.
    (j) Leave encashment as per company’s rules.
    (k) Determination of service on three months notice by either party.

    RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Chairman and Managing Director, Shri ____________, be and is hereby authorised to sign the letter of appointment of the Company Secretary, on behalf of the Board of directors of the company.

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